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Sunday, January 25, 2009

Practising for Chinese New Year activity

Although Fong-e-poh keeps on teaching me the protocol for getting leisee during today's lunch in City Hall Maxiam Restaurant, it turns out I am not able to apply it throughout the CNY.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Chinese New Year Market

This evening after a 45 mins section playing in the Toys Library section of Central Library, Mom took me to the Chinese New Year Market in Victoria Park. Dad joined us after work.

Lots of sales attempted to sell me dolls while I am more interested on the guys standing high and shouting all the times. At the end, Dad bought me a big banana, which is larger than me in size, produced by LSD.

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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Organic Farming Exhabition

It was a beautiful Sunday with nice weather. Unfortunately Dad was sick and could not come with us. We went to the orangic farming exhabition took place in Boundary Street Playground in Kowloon. It is the same place in visited 2 months ago for the Caritas Bazaar. I took a couple of pictures with the big vegi models.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

My Gym

Every Saturday is my Gym day. The standard routine from 1pm to 2pm is
1) free time - to play what I like
2) circle time - warm up exercise, saying names in turn, follow teacher to do exrcise
3) free time
4) one on one - do some special exercise with teacher
5) free time
6) swing time - sitting on some big toys that swing
7) turtle time - playing toys in a small area with all other children
8) closing - teach told a short story in a poetry form.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


I got a fever and running noise starting on Sunday. Mom took me to see Dr. Chow on Monday and got a antibiotics for a week. I was recovered around Wednesday while I still need to take the medicine, which I like its sweet :-)